Friday, June 26, 2009

Master Michael Tse, whose teacher Grandmaster Yang Meijung lived for 104 years, reveals Qigong secrets to living a long and healthy life.....

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TSE yes to qigong!

Why do you think the quest for longevity has been confined to Taoists and yogic cultures only? Is there a connection between the two?

I think externally, Yoga involves a lot of postures and stretching and Qigong and Taoism involves a lot of movement like Tai Chi. When we look at the two, anybody can straightaway tell the difference. But at the higher level, they are the same. I believe that Yoga and the Taoist Qigong, at the end of the day, are the same thing. In both, the body and mind become one. When your body and mind becom

e one, then nature – trees, mountains, rivers, stars, the sun and the moon – connects with you, and you become one with the universe and connect with energy at a higher level. Research suggests that women on an average live longer than men. Is it true?

Yes, I think on an average it is true. And that’s because women take more pain – the menstrual cycle, childbirth – which makes the body soft. A supple body can handle all difficulties and last longer. Ladies are generally more emotional than men, but because they’re emotional, they are also used to taking more pain than men. Men look stronger, taller and bigger than women, but actually, on an average, men die earlier than women.

How long would you want to live?

As long as possible... My teacher was 104, so if I can maintain that standard, I will be very happy. But of course, I don’t want to be lying on a bed and waiting for medicine. I want a quality life where I can travel, have friends, socialise, have dinners, talk to people and remember things and of course, exercise. Whenever I catch a cold, fever or don’t feel well, I go for my practice and recover. Usually, I heal myself if there is any problem.

Any anecdote you’d want to share on the subject based on your teacher’s experiences and yours?

What’s most important is – Do you enjoy your life? What have you done in your life? How many people you’ve been helping and (hearts) you’ve touched and how many you’ve taught and educated? That’s more important than money and name. If you have more friends and no enemies – then even if you don’t practice Qigong you will live longer, and you’ll have a healthy life. The key is emotion. I’ve seen a student who practiced Qigong very well. When her partner left her, suddenly all her energy was gone. At the end, she even suffered from cancer. So, even though she practiced Qigong, because she could not overcome her emotion, she went down. But if she practices to let go, she will be okay.

If you practice Qigong, I believe, you can prevent cancer or if you already suffer from cancer you can live longer, healthier and even recover. That’s my experience – let go. Take it easy.

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Source : IIPM Editorial, 2008
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