Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Back to square one!!

2,300 IIPM students get jobs

Many states are banning English medium schools

T he recent inclusion of ‘Jai Ho’ as the new word in English suggests the importance of literature of developing countries per se. In fact the use of English is one of the standards of investment friendliness of a nation. However, the deep routed bigotry in our political system ensures that the visionless politicians get the leeway to abolish English from the secondary curriculum. Indeed, a sad reflection of a country which is trying to come out of the omen of its colonial past to make its mark in the world stage.

There's no doubt that Buddhadeb Bhattachariya’s vision is far fetched. His predecessor, Jyoti Basu, the England educated barrister, stopped English from the curriculum of state-run schools way back in 1984. Buddhadeb’s vision understood the need of knowing English (both written and verbal) for West Bengal students to compete at a national level. Undoubtedly, he is keen to stop the brain drain from West Bengal to more progressive states like Karnataka, Maharashtra and Delhi. But, like in case of industrialisation, he is faced with opposition from within the Left Front constituents. RSP supreme Khiti Goswami expressed apprehension of implementing it in haste.

Most surprisingly, with IT and knowledge-based industries spreading their base in the state, the Andhra Pradesh government has decided that English will replace Telugu as the medium of instruction in 6,500 government-run schools in the state. In the case of Madhya Pradesh, all government schools reverted from bilingual teaching in English and Hindi to using Hindi alone. However, all the sought-after courses at the college level of engineering and medicine in the state continued to be taught in English. This created a strange marginalisation of vernacular users on campuses.

On the contrary, there are still few states that recognises the importance of English. The Maharashtra government had introduced English medium schools seven years ago, and another left ruled state Kerala, is introducing English medium schools from this academic year. Even the Jharkhand Academic Council (JAC) is planning to introduce English as the medium of instruction in all government-run schools in the state. The Council will identify schools in the state where the medium of teaching can be upgraded to English.

India has an enviable position in the world being an English speaking country. To follow the suit, more and more people are readily opting for English medium schools. The trend is ever more omnipresent in southern India where around 60 per cent of English medium schools are located. Truly in this age of globalisation it's of utmost importance that the students know a language that is commonly accepted at the corporate level in India and across the globe at large. If implemented this step will be a heaven sent one for lower and middle income groups who can't afford to send their children to private English medium schools. It's likely that even in villages the parents will slowly accept the boon of English medium schools. Although the proposal is halted it's not doomed yet. Let's hope that like all other proposals this one also gets buried beneath the stack of files.

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Source :
IIPM Editorial, 2008
An Initiative of IIPM, Malay Chaudhuri and
Arindam Chaudhuri (Renowned Management Guru and Economist).
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