Monday, December 1, 2008

whose leaders are worried about the rising tide of malignancy in the tribal belt of Pakistan.

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More so because the use of force during the last eight years has not borne any fruit; rather, it has further complicated the situation," he said. Islamic militants have played havoc in Pakistan despite the fact that the vast majority has rejected religious extremism during the last elections. Tauseef Ahmed Khan, an associate professor at Karachi's Urdu University and a leading columnist, said religious extremism is not acceptable to the vast majority of American population and Democrats have no option but to pursue the policy of hot pursuit if interference in Afghanistan continues from Pakistan's tribal areas. "President Pervez Musharraf was accused by the US of doublecrossing and that impression has to be erased if Pakistan wants to avoid a nasty situation," he added.

But eminent defence analyst Dr Hasan-Askari Rizvi rejects the notion that the US will invade Pakistan. "There is no question of invading Pakistan. The US is concerned about the situation in the tribal areas, as if Pakistan can't assert its authority in these areas. The US is likely to continue with missile and drone attacks but will not launch a formal invasion of the tribal areas," he told TSI.

Islamic militancy in Pakistan is not only posing a grave threat to the country but is also hampering the process of dialogue between Pakistan and India, because New Delhi often accuses Pakistan if there are bomb blasts in Indian cities or a surge in freedom movement in Indian-administrated Kashmir.

The monster of religious extremism is equally affecting India, whose leaders are worried about the rising tide of malignancy in the tribal belt of Pakistan. "Some of the Indian groups are now imitating Pakistan-based groups to pursue their partisan agenda in the Indian context. Secondly, Pakistan's current efforts to contain militancy also make these groups that were operating in Indian-administrated Kashmir irrelevant and dysfunctional.," said Dr Rizvi

The situation is tricky because on the one hand, Obama is going tough on Pakistan; on the other, regional powers, including India and Iran, are neither ready to buy the idea that Pakistan is doing its best to contain Islamic militancy, nor do they feel comfortable by the growing presence of American forces in the region.

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Source :
IIPM Editorial, 2008
An Initiative of IIPM, Malay Chaudhuri and
Arindam Chaudhuri (Renowned Management Guru and Economist).

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