Thursday, December 4, 2008

Every day is a battle for survival, and these guys take it on and they win.

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In India, there have been legends, some fairly credible, about wolves, both adopting as well as killing children. How likely in your opinion is either possibility?

Unfortunately, both possibilities are very likely. The adoption side of things I know very well because I experienced it first hand when this pack took me in as family. When I was running with them in the wild, I’ve seen dominant female wolves instruct the hunters to take down calves still suckling from their lactating mothers. The only thing that the adults eat is the stomach content of these animals and basically, the stomach content is milk. And it takes the adult wolves back to the time when they were young and used to drink milk. The behaviour of the pack at that time, over the next two weeks just changes incredibly. The tension drops, there’s a lot of play, there’s a lot of social bonding, and usually at that time, because of the milk going into their body; at such times they will pretty much adopt anything into their pack. A female wolf who’s lost her own young and who’s been feeding on the semi-digested milk, and if a young child is found in the wilderness at that time, there is every possibility that the child will be brought up with the wolves and would be accepted in the pack. The only problem such a child will have is to adapt to the harshness of the environment, and that’s the reason why we don’t often hear such stories unless it’s a remarkable child who can cope with the rigours of being amongst the wolves. The downside to this is that unfortunately, the more contact wolves have with people, and the lack of understanding they have about our world, means that there are inevitably going to be accidents, with children coming into contact with any wild animal.

If there is a child reading this in India, and he loves wolves and believes he wants to live with the wolves, just as you do, how should he train himself?

My native American brothers, my family, they always say that you sign the unwritten contract to work with the animals at an early age.

Something happens to you in early childhood, whether good or bad, around a creature, and it’s this way that nature kind of gives you the incentives to work with these animals. And I think the child in question would have to have the desire to work with the creature to try to understand it. And all I can say to every child reading this is that if you want to work with wolves, you’re going to be working with an animal that’s never given up in its life. Every day is a battle for survival, and these guys take it on and they win. So anybody who wants to work with them has to be prepared to do the same thing. And if you have that kind of philosophy, that train of mind and you’re physically fit to cope with the rigours and the harshness of their world, then you’ve got every chance of succeeding and working with these creatures. And the animal world badly needs young people coming through to help us help them.

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Source :
IIPM Editorial, 2008
An Initiative of IIPM, Malay Chaudhuri and
Arindam Chaudhuri (Renowned Management Guru and Economist).

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