Monday, September 22, 2008

Who Said Priecy is Passe ?

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Royalty may have receded into history for good, but India’s penchant for opulent living is only growing by the day. B&E takes a closer look...

Blame it on noted management guru C. K. Prahlad, if you must, or on a few exceptionally successful business models that leveraged on the ‘bottom of the pyramid’ over the past few years; the ‘top’ had begun to look like a neglected stepchild. Not for long, though. With booming economic indicators and more & more people joining the ranks of the Indian elite, this segment is suddenly back in the limelight for marketers of premium goods. The land where cheap Chinese & Taiwanese goods have sold like hot cakes, is also coming up firmly on the radar for the likes of Prada, Versace, Amex Platinum credit cards, Vertu, Lamborghini, Rolex & Porsche.

Then again, maybe it’s not just the bottom of the pyramid brigade that’s been the culprit. Even the most average management student will tell you that the luxury market is all about making exceptionally high margins to offset for low volumes. For years on, most of these luxury segment players have been grappling with very low numbers, and so most of them chose to keep a deliberate low key in India. What, indeed, makes them so bullish today?

they’re making it, right?

Volvo Car India Ltd. has been in India since 1999, when it launched its premium trucks into the country, but it brought in its cars just this year. Ask Paul de Voijs, Managing Director, Volvo Car India, about the timing of Volvo’s entry into the segment and he states, “If you see in the true sense, India is now gearing up to accept niche/luxury cars.” And not just for cars, premium products are winning in a wide range of segments, one finds that premium products are experiencing ever increasing favour from the Indian customers, who are now no longer averse to the urge to splurge. Traditionally, India has had a more consumption led growth model (79% of GDP growth led by domestic consumption), especially as compared to neighbour China (57%). Moreover, Indians are getting richer in hordes now, which is bringing them to the spotlight globally. According to Luxury Marketing Council Worldwide (LMCW), 10 Indian billionaires were added to the billionaire club in 2006, the same year that saw the Sensex surpassing the magic figure of 10,000.

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Source : IIPM Editorial, 2008

An Initiative of IIPM, Malay Chaudhuri and Arindam Chaudhuri (Renowned Management Guru and Economist).

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Friday, September 19, 2008

Hong Kong which has recently celebrated its 10th anniversary under the aegis of its new parent, China with anticipation & desolation.

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then & now Many Hong Kongers are forlorn because of their inability to elect their leaders.

HONG KONG: TRANSITION While developing Marxism, Karl Marx perhaps irrationally feared from the phobia of ochlocracy because the chaos of democracy might not provide justice. Thus, he found the solution which is to give limited freedom. The same is happening with Hong Kong, which has recently celebrated its 10th anniversary under the aegis of its new parent, China with anticipation & desolation. British had handed over Hong Kong to China in 1997 with capitalism & British style political system. Unfortunately a decade later, all those hopes proved to be void. Many Hong Kongers are forlorn because of their inability to elect their leaders. On the other side, communist leadership fears if they are allowed to do so, they will separate from mainland. However, things are not so dark in this island. The mainland has quite often performed its duty when the need arose. It saved the country when it was severely suffering from economic uncertainty. Yet many in Hong Kong still believe that the ultimate salvation can only come through democracy. Would China relent? Only time can answer.

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Source : IIPM Editorial, 2008

An Initiative of IIPM, Malay Chaudhuri and Arindam Chaudhuri (Renowned Management Guru and Economist).

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Thursday, September 18, 2008

The Maoist roar for Republic would give their anticipated election campaign a much-needed boost.

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Adds to the prevalent political uncertainty in Nepal

MAOIST WITHDRAWAL: NEPALIt looks as if the brief period of tranquility that the people of Nepal had begun to get settled with, is coming to an end. Last week, the Maoists quit the Interim Government after the coalition partners rejected their demand to declare the country a Republic, ahead of elections slated for November 22. The Maoist also refused to abide by the national election code of conduct, throwing the entire elections process into disarray.

The first casualty of this action seems to be the disruption of the year-long peace agreement. Experts believe that the Maoists backtracked, out of fear that they would fare poorly in the elections. Declaration of a Republic would give their anticipated election campaign a much-needed boost. Talking to B&E from Bhaktapur, noted political expert C.K. Lal from Nepal Times said: “The Maoist demand of a Republic has two objectives. First, by demanding something that this government cannot fulfil, the Maoists have successfully postponed the elections. Second, had the political parties somehow agreed on the demand for a Republic, the Maoists would have been able to go to people’s doorsteps to ask for votes stating that the objective of the insurgency has been achieved.”

Meanwhile, south-eastern and Terai regions remain tense because of clashes between Madhesis & Pahadi ethnic groups following the assassination of Madhesi leader Mohit Khan. Over 5,000 people are reported to be displaced due to the violence in the Madhesi-dominated Kapilvastu region. The situation worsened when Maoists and cadets of right-wing Hindu Yuva Vahini, based in India, rushed to help Pahadis & Madhesis, respectively. After years of slumber, Maoists are trying to re-establish their base in the region. This was precisely why they merged with another far-Left outfit CPN-MLM. Whatever, the outcome, Nepal is certainly heading towards instability accompanied by more violence.

B&E edit bureau: Saurabh K. Shahi

For more articles, Click on IIPM Article.

Source : IIPM Editorial, 2008

An Initiative of IIPM, Malay Chaudhuri and Arindam Chaudhuri (Renowned Management Guru and Economist).

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Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Need for speed the match turning on its head by the time you have come back from the washroom.

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Automatically, those who take too long to act will be left way behind in the race. And Indian policy makers must learn to take decisions more quickly. purists, cynics and skeptics, the 20-20 cricket format was supposed to be a passing fad that would fade away like the rainbow after a spot of rain. To their amazement and shock, it has proven to be astoundingly popular, making even non-cricket fans devoted admirers. For an overwhelming majority, what makes 20-20 cricket so engrossing and endearing is the sheer pace of the match. It is all about speed; the match turning on its head by the time you have come back from the washroom. And Captain Mahendra Singh Dhoni is being hailed as a messiah not just because of his mane; but more because of his ability to adapt and take ‘quick’ decisions. As I said earlier, it is all about speed. The latest version of cricket resembles the real world – where technology, paradigms, consumer behaviour, brand equity and even the rules of the game change with bewildering speed and uncertainty.

Unfortunately, policy makers still swear by the five day test match version of the game when it comes to taking decisions and executing them. In their bestselling book, Revolutionary Wealth, Alvin and Heidi Toffler have singled out the slow pace of government related work as the single biggest obstacle to growth in the 21st century. And they were bemoaning the slow pace of the government sector in America. Imagine their reaction if they observed the pace at which policy making works in this blessed country!

The government had announced a new power policy in 1992; action, based on that policy is yet to be taken. A major committee set up to suggest reforms in the police service has been gathering dust for the last 30 years or so. The present UPA Government has set up more than 100 EGOMs (jargon for a group of ministers and bureaucrats to do nothing) to discuss the most pressing problems that confront India. Indian courts routinely take 15 years to decide and settle a case; sometimes entire generations have passed by the time the Indian judiciary delivers a verdict. It takes more than 80 days to set up a business in India (compared to just a day or so in Singapore and about a week in China); it takes even longer to close a business because of outdated labour laws! Many government institutions have websites that are not updated for months and years. The pace of globalisation is bound to intensify. Automatically, those who take too long to act will be left way behind in the race. And Indian policy makers must learn to take decisions more quickly. The age of 20-20 has indeed arrived. But knowing our policy makers, perhaps they will demand free junkets to England and Australia to ‘study’ 20-20 cricket!

Sutanu Guru

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Source : IIPM Editorial, 2008

An Initiative of IIPM, Malay Chaudhuri and Arindam Chaudhuri (Renowned Management Guru and Economist).

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Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Dark age... Naah! here comes the massive wave turbines and the huge electric generators for our rescue again

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Forces of nature – wind and water – to our rescue again

ENERGY: WIND AND WATER And God said, “Let there be light, and there was light.” But would this same wish be of any utility when it comes to coal? Well, we wish it could. Yet the stark reality presents a different picture.

Nothing is clandestine about the fact that in about 75 years from now the world will have used up its coal resources along with many other forms of fossil energy. Now the million dollar question remains that how does the world tackle this crisis? How would the world brighten up their nights again? With technology evangelists leaving no stones unturned to find solutions to all kinds of problems, be it fighting a life-threatening heart disease or taming a humongous hurricane, should it come as a surprise if science comes up with another overwhelming solution? If yes, then get ready for the new surprise – here comes the massive wave turbines and the huge electric generators for our rescue again. For those wondering what it is about, it is as simple as making use of the most abundant resources that earth has to offer, wind and water. The Energetech is a major breakthrough of its kind.

The Sydney based company which has been contemplating of tapping Thermal Energy since the last 200 years is investigating the incorporation worth $40 million plant, which could cater electricity to almost 30,000 homes or sufficient desalinated water for more than 50,000 homes. The Greater Gabbard Offshore Winds Ltd. is initiating the largest ever off-shore wind turbines which will provide electricity to nearly 415,000 homes after its completion in 2010.

These were only to name a few. But generation of electricity by the newer and more unconventional means is now on the rise and eventually would become a norm than exception. Thanks to such innovations, even after 75 years from now there will still be light...

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Source : IIPM Editorial, 2008

An Initiative of IIPM, Malay Chaudhuri and Arindam Chaudhuri (Renowned Management Guru and Economist).

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1500-plus IIPM students placed across the country with 44 bagging international offers
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Monday, September 8, 2008

Beyond India....

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Bollywood gets its recognition

PERFORMING ART, CINEMAAlbert Einstein once rightly said, “The only reason for time is so that everything doesn’t happen at once”, and that’s why maybe with the change in time, the face of Indian cinema is also changing.

Gone are days when Indian movies had a reputation of being a melodrama which gave the audience singing and dancing around trees – a reason to applaud for. Today, Indian cinema has gone global. What with the Australian Film Festival starting with Gandhi – My Father, Eklavya being screened across 80 screens in the US, Provoked having being screened across 35 screens in the UK and Cheeni Kum generating an exorbitant $655,246 from the US and $675,251 from the UK? Also ready to make a lot of heads turn is the interestingly woven movie called The Last Lear which was screened in a big way in Toronto Film Festival. A new era has not just dawned for Indian movies but the hourglass also seems to have turned for Indian artists. India and Indian movies have not just started reflecting the talent of Indian artists but have also stirred inquisitiveness pertaining to Indian culture and history. Why else would Ben Kinsley not just produce a movie based on the Taj Mahal but also act in it himself? With so much happening in this fraternity, though its time to cheer, still there’s the gap with Hollywood that’s left to be filled. We are waiting to applaud, Indian cinema!

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Source : IIPM Editorial, 2008

An Initiative of IIPM, Malay Chaudhuri and Arindam Chaudhuri (Renowned Management Guru and Economist).

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Sunday, September 7, 2008

Does polling poll prosperity?

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Political victory might not ensure a healthier economy...

UKRAINE: POLL VICTORY Election is, at last, over in Ukraine - geopolitically the most important Eurasian country. The country’s pro-West parties hovered for victory keeping its communist rivals aside by decent margin. Though this has marked a striking comeback for Victor Yushchenko and reformist Yulia Tymoshenko of the Orange Revolution fame, it is yet to make sure that political stability would remain in Ukraine. The pro-West Orange coalition has secured an impregnable lead of 45%. This victory of the pro-Western parties is the first of its kind in the aftermath of the Orange Revolution led by Yushchenko. For the first time, this has raised many hopes for prosperity & tranquility in independent Ukraine after 1991. Unfortunately, country has pretty less time to rejoice as this has become a new source of friction with Russia. For Russia foreign policy has always meant a literal give & take. Gazprom has warned to disconnect gas supplies if Ukraine fails to pay debt. It is an implied threat to all pro-democratic party winners to renounce the desire of being in government. Unluckily, the proclamation of independence, the adoption of a new state symbol, the establishment of armed forces amount little for Ukraine if Russia controls access to fuel. Ukraine for that matter is completely dependent on Russia on energy issues. It consumes over 30 million tonnes of petroleum yearly while it produces merely four million & rest is imported.

Though, Ukraine is carving to join the EU & NATO in order to prove its democratic & free market credentials, it has few options towards proceeding in that direction. Even though Orange Revolution was a major setback for Russia’s foreign policy, it has not ensured reduction of Russia’s influence in their internal matters. And perhaps would not until Ukraine become self sufficient in energy issues or finds a new supplier.

For more articles, Click on IIPM Article.

Source : IIPM Editorial, 2008

An Initiative of IIPM, Malay Chaudhuri and Arindam Chaudhuri (Renowned Management Guru and Economist).

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Thursday, September 4, 2008

The ‘Gates’ have opened...

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The Ambanis made their first million importing polyester and selling them across western India.

Take the first strategy of grabbing new opportunities. America is awash with examples of how entrepreneurs booked early tickets on sectors that were about to take off. Bill Gates, Craig Barrett, Sam Walton & even Donald Trump are examples. In India, Tulsi Tanti of Suzlon, Baba Kalyani of Bharat Forge & Deepak Puri of Moser Baer are representative of how intrepid entrepreneurs with great ideas and the audacity to move quickly can capture markets and imagination. Reliance has been doing this for more than three decades. When the polyester industry was virtually non-existent in India, it was Reliance that gambled big time on the synthetic fibre. The Ambanis made their first million importing polyester and selling them across western India. In due course of time, they emerged as the market leaders in virtually every segment of the market related to polyester. Mukesh Ambani has done something similar with telecom by launching the CDMA services that virtually turned the Indian telecom market upside down. Anil Ambani, who inherited the telecom business post the split, continues to do the same.

The second strategy that successful corporations and entrepreneurs have adopted across the world is to think big, and really big. In the early decades of the 20th century, when cars were still a novelty & luxury, Henry Ford decided to manufacture cars that can be purchased by even workers in his factory. Thus was born Model T. Ford, which still remains the enduring symbol of American manufacturing might and the assembly line mode of production. Back in the late 1970s, when his rivals like Nusli Wadia of Bombay Dyeing were thinking of ‘thousand tonne’ capacities for petrochemical intermediates, Dhirubhai Ambani was planning a million tonne plant! Like father, like son. When Mukesh Ambani planned a petroleum refinery, he successfully peddled the idea of a 60 million tonne plant to stakeholders and investors! Even in Reliance Retail, though the project has been going through rough patches of late, the sheer scale of Mukesh’s ambitions was… well, audacious. He wants Reliance Fresh to contribute 2% to India’s GDP and scale up to $25 billion in revenues in just three years! He spoke in the shareholder conference declaring Q2 results, “Our investments in E&P, organised retail & development of SEZs will be cornerstones for future growth.”

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Source : IIPM Editorial, 2008

An Initiative of IIPM, Malay Chaudhuri and Arindam Chaudhuri (Renowned Management Guru and Economist).

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Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Sticking around in Afghanistan seems hard for US, leaving seems harder still

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Where the ghosts simply refuse to die!

That’s the theory. The practice looks like this. Seven armored U.S. Humvees form a 'perimeter' on the edge of the village and newly trained Afghan police – the 'Afghan face' on this mission – are dispatched to bring out village elders. Looking apprehensive, the Afghans appear swathed in robes and headgear whose bold colours mock dreary U.S. Army camouflage. Staff Sgt. Marco Villalta, of San Mateo, Calif., steps forward: “We would like to ask you some questions about your village.”

The following is elicited: There are 300 families using 25 wells. Their irrigation ditches get washed away in winter. A small bridge keeps collapsing. They send their children to a school in nearby Shajoy, but it’s often closed because of Taliban threats to teachers. Villalta takes notes. “We’ll share this information with the governor and make sure that something is done. “No! No!” says Sardar Mohammed, stepping forward. “We don’t trust the governor. If he gets food, he gives it to 10 families. He puts money in his pocket. We trust you more than him. Bring aid directly to us.” Bramble’s view is that the governor is as good as officials get around here. The US officer, like his country and NATO, is caught in the hall of mirrors of contested nation-building. Still, he thinks this first contact will lead to others and perhaps he can arrange for the bridge soon.

This process will be very slow. The West’s stomach for investing blood and treasure here for another decade is unclear. But I see no alternative if Afghanistan is to move from its destructive gyre and the global threat that brings. The children’s smiles suggest that hope still flickers. To lose Afghanistan by way of smile-free Iraq – and do so on the border of a turbulent nuclear-armed Pakistan – would be a terrible betrayal and an unacceptable risk. That, alas, is no fairy tale.

Paul Cohen

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Source : IIPM Editorial, 2008

An Initiative of IIPM, Malay Chaudhuri and Arindam Chaudhuri (Renowned Management Guru and Economist).

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