Friday, November 28, 2008

Time to get real about virtual worlds

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Living in virtual worlds can be exciting and challenging. Anu Gulmohar assumes a spunky avatar and goes out to meet other avatars in virtual alleys, beaches and valleys to understand the ways of these worlds…

Living parallel lives in virtual worlds was initially all about fun and games. In real life, where one has to be an adult and mistakes are seldom tolerated, virtual worlds are like playgrounds where one can try new games – from exchanging vows with your virtual soulmate to adopting children – and not be afraid of real life consequences. But as the possibilities of living large have expanded, and people have gotten completely caught up with their second lives, the line between the real and virtual seems to be diminishing. In May, a 43-year-old Japanese woman was divorced by her online husband, and the lady took it so hard that she hacked into his account and deleted him from the story line. While she had no intentions of physically harming him in real life, her enraged ex called on the cops, and now Japanese Police have divulged that she could find herself behind bars for up to five years, or be fined upto $5,000, according to the time and money that her online spouse had spent on his avatar. The days of simply flirting in chat rooms are gone, and what people from around the world are getting addicted to, is living full-blown, real virtual lives.

Gul Sorbet is my online avatar on Second Life (SL). I have to confess, Gul is a tad slimmer than me, but I haven’t intentionally cheated on any other count! A lot of people are far more original in creating their avatars; for instance the very first person I got chatting to was Ambassador Atlas, who told me that he’s from Chicago, but in SL he poses to be from UK, and fools everyone with a perfect Brit accent! The next person I chatted up (let’s call him Mat) told me how SL is a place to be yourself, and that he has chosen to be himself with lesser inhibitions.

Second Life has its own currency – Linden dollars – which can be exchanged for real world currency (roughly 260 L make 1 US$), and people can find employment and run businesses in this world. One can be a journalist and cover events pertaining to the second world, or become a receptionist, or an office administrator. One of the easiest ways to make money on SL, Mat told me, is by becoming a dancer in a nightclub or by becoming an escort. He then teleported (if only one could escape traffic so in real life too!) me to a store which had plenty of free clothes, shoes, hair, eyes… Before leaving, Mat advised that if I’d like to try becoming an escort then I should pick up – hold your breath – "a vagina" for my avatar! “It is always easier to drop inhibitions in a ‘pretend’ world – this is precisely one of its key functions. So people use spaces such as Second Life to be able to achieve what they cannot outside virtual worlds. This experience can feed into the real world and help individuals to change (for the better or for the worse),” says Sandra Jovchelovitch, Head of the Institute of Social Psychology, London School of Economics.

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Source :
IIPM Editorial, 2008
An Initiative of IIPM, Malay Chaudhuri and
Arindam Chaudhuri (Renowned Management Guru and Economist).

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Thursday, November 27, 2008

Porter Tsenge and his friends are the soldiers' truest friends

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Smiling Buddhas

At a crevice, we stopped and were being lined up for the crossing. But Tsenge and his friends had already crossed it and were sitting under a lazy sun, amusedly watching us, smiled benignly, chatting between themselves. They cross small crevices like hares. Our team took nine hours to cover just eight kilometres on the first day. The trek had started after prayers at 8:30 am and we reached the first camp at five in the evening, with no strength left even to drink water or have food. But Tsenge was still brimming with his smile as he handed over Mukunda's belongings to him.

Tsenge belongs to Khardung village, just below the worlds highest motorable pass, Khardung La (18,380) ft. Most of the porters belong to Laddakh. The army doctors explained that being locals, they are any time stronger than anyone coming from the plains, no matter how well the plainspersons are trained. One senior doctor said: “When extreme conditions in Siachen do not allow a person to carry more than eight kilograms, the porters carry 20 kgs with ease because their body is naturally acclimatised."

Sonam was on his maiden trip to the glacier. The other porters said that while Sonam is just 18, Tsenge – who too had started his trips to glacier at 18 – is today those many years older than Sonam. When we asked Sonam if he was frightened, he appeared a bit disturbed. He said, “The glacier doesn’t hurt anyone. So why should I be scared?” Well, who’d say he is not a veteran, for when we reached a small but deep crevice, Sonam simply jumped across and started helping the others too. And all the while he and others sang Laddakhi or Nepali songs.

The porters earn Rs 300 per day if they work at the base camp and Rs 450 per day once they climb the glacier. “It is these porters because of whom death toll on the glacier has come down,” a senior official confided. From collecting ice to be melted to 'make' water for drinking or ablution, to carrying heavy loads, cooking and serving meals, the porters make life livable for the soldiers, which leaves them free to ward off the enemy.

Sonam is the eldest son in his family, and plans to educate his younger brother in a good school in Leh. Tsenge wishes his son to join the army and serve the nation. And Utup, one of the porters, says, “If Pakistan attacks us again, I will not hesitate to fight, and I'll fight for free. And then he smiles too, the youngest and the oldest Smiling Buddhas up at 15,000 feet!

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Source :
IIPM Editorial, 2008
An Initiative of IIPM, Malay Chaudhuri and
Arindam Chaudhuri (Renowned Management Guru and Economist).

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Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Their maladies merit a carefully thought out, long term and 'foolproof' solution, carefully suggests Ratan Lal Bhagat

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The banks had already stopped giving dollar loans to them a month ago, which has forced them to buy dollars from the market at a higher rate.

On the outset, these players require cash inflow of around $1 billion a week to meet the requirements of oil and oil products of the country. India imports nearly 70 per cent of its oil requirements. With commercial banks abruptly deciding to withdraw any further financial support in the wake of the liquidity crunch, OMCs are in a tight spot. IOC, BPCL and HPCL have borrowed over Rs one trillion from both foreign and domestic banks in the current year till September. The banks had already stopped giving dollar loans to them a month ago, which has forced them to buy dollars from the market at a higher rate. And with this financial cushion gone, the OMCs are being further pushed down the barrel. Moreover, the perils of the oil companies' credit crunch only worsened manifold as the overnight borrowing (or "call") rates touted as the other funding route, climbed to 16 per cent in the first week of October. “This has resulted in global sentiments weighing down the monthly performance of the sector; the sector went down 5 per cent M-o-M, as compared to CNX 500, which dipped 12 per cent, states Mansingka.

All does not seem to be lost though. Firstly, the global drop in crude prices has surely raised hope of a possible cut in domestic retail selling prices of auto and cooking fuels, thus bringing a sense of relief for the common man. Secondly, the slide in the prices would also bring down the fiscal deficit as subsidies — estimated to be around Rs 2.6 trillion in July, are now placed lower at Rs 1.5 trillion; thus helping the sluggish economy. Finally, the under recoveries and realisations are expected to come down and the refining costs have also fallen due to the fall in global prices; an aspect to cherish for the oil producers and distributors.

One cannot however discount or overlook the dreadful trap that the OMCs have fallen into, thanks to this downturn. The Union Budget has no provision for the oil downstream companies to address either product prices or the excise duties of these companies; which will force these players continue to suffer under recoveries from petroleum related products. “A pro-active action by the government and the other related authorities is the need of the hour, to save these companies from phasing out completely,” emphasises Wadhwa, rightly echoing the voice of these oil churners. The Parliament has approved oil bonds worth Rs.659.42 billion as a bailout package to help reduce the financial burden, but this not more than a stop gap arrangement. The government has to be careful while cutting oil prices, considering the losses already faced by OMCs.

“The OMCs, on their part, could improve their profitability by cost cutting measures. But again, unless the key issue of subsidies is addressed; such cost cutting measures only come across as instances of delaying the inevitable.

The matter calls for a thorough analysis of the situation to come up with a permanent solution.

If the government suddenly has to un-'bond' itself, one wonders what can happen. Sans liquidity and sans the 'gas'; OMCs would surely capitwulate. And it takes no rocket science to gauge what that means for India.

For more articles, Click on IIPM Article.
Source :
IIPM Editorial, 2008
An Initiative of IIPM, Malay Chaudhuri and
Arindam Chaudhuri (Renowned Management Guru and Economist).

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Friday, November 21, 2008

‘We are promoting a second line of leadership’

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Resentment in the BJP is more than in Congress. It will help the latter to form government in Madhya Pradesh, Suresh Pachauri, Madhya Pradesh Pradesh Congress president, tells TSI’s Pramod Kumar. He also adds that the Congress has never projected a chief minister in advance and only state legislators would decide.

For the first time, you are heading the state Congress. How optimistic you are about success?

It is true that I am heading the state organization for the first time. When a party is going for polls, it is the collective responsibility of every leader. As for as the success, I am sure that this time Congress is going to form a government on its own.

But if the party looses, the moral responsibility lies on the PCC president.

We are contesting this election to win.

What are the main issues in the elections?

The success of the Central government will be the main plank, for example the nuke deal along with fulfillment of the Common Minimum Programme, the Right to Information, National Rural Employment Guarantee Programme (NREGP) and achievements of the Central government.

There is a lot of resentment in distribution of tickets?

What ever recommendations were made by the state observers, the Central Election Committee had decided on well laid down norms. We have tried the best possible balance between rural and urban constituencies. The real hue and cry is in BJP not in Congress. There are more rebels candidates in BJP which will benefit us.

But there is resentment in Congress as well.

We have honoured those who sat in opposition and raised the concern of ordinary people of the state. Some of them have been denied tickets, so the anguish is natural. But I am confident that everybody will unite for a purpose to defeat communal forces in the state.

What about the tribals when a leader like Kantilal Bhuria has left the Congress?

If you see the list of candidates, ample reservation has been given to them according to the population and region. I don’t want to comment on Bhuriaji.

A lot of old faces have been denied tickets this time? Will they sabotage elections which is being fought by new candidates?

I don’t think that there will be any challenge to established leaders. Rahul Gandhi has already emphasized on promoting a second line of leadership so that new faces could be inducted. Senior leader Digvijay Singh has said that Kamal Nath is the best candidate for being the Chief Minister.

The Congress party has never projected a Chief Minister before the elections. There is convention is the Congress that the leader is always elected by legislators. The same convention will be repeated after the results are over.

Who will be the star campaigner?

The election committee will finalise the names. As far the choice is concerned, Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, UPA chairperson Sonia Gandhi and Rahul Gandhi will the main campaigners in the elections as every candidate is asking for their programme in their constituencies.

Apart from them, senior ministers and state leaders like Arjun Singh, Kamal Nath, Jyotiradiya Scindia and Digvijay Singh will campaign according to their schedule.

Do you think anti-incumbency will benefit the Congress?

Definitely, anti-incumbency is a factor. The BJP government has failed to perform. The communal face of BJP has came out in the open. In addition, Uma Bharti will dent BJP votes.

What about BSP factor?

Well, to be honest, the BSP has no role to play outside Uttar Pradesh.

For more articles, Click on IIPM Article.
Source :
IIPM Editorial, 2008
An Initiative of IIPM, Malay Chaudhuri and
Arindam Chaudhuri (Renowned Management Guru and Economist).

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But after being two films old and winning over many a skeptic, Himesh Reshammiya aspires to become the best in the industry.

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You have said that you are now only going to be a part of a movie when you get to sing and act in it. But don’t you think that by this you might be limiting your opportunities as a singer and a music director?

That is because I don’t want my producer to suffer if I am making music outside. As it is I would be doing about five films in 15 months, which is hectic and I don’t want to work more than that. Right now the market is such that the visibility should be less and the songs that I would be doing for myself would be more as a business model and made with keeping the money in mind.

They say that imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, and you have been imitated and spoofed a bit too often. What do you have to say to that?

I’m very happy because the biggest of the biggest legends have been imitated. Not that I am a legend, but I’m very happy because agar mera mazak udane se unke ghar mein roti aati hai to (if they get food in their house by making fun of me then) it’s a very good thing for me and they can continue to do so.

What is your take on reality shows? As a judge, what do you keep in mind before judging a performance?

I want to give them the right advice because if I’m the guru then I will help them to stick to one genre. If at all they have one X factor then they should highlight that and not be jack of all trades.

For more articles, Click on IIPM Article.
Source :
IIPM Editorial, 2008
An Initiative of IIPM, Malay Chaudhuri and
Arindam Chaudhuri (Renowned Management Guru and Economist).

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Thursday, November 20, 2008

Minority Institution - Quality, not funds plague amu

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We get Rs 250 crore Central grant, and yet produce lesser IAS officers than Kerala Univ

Irfan Habib

Eminent Historian

The recent world alumni summit of the Aligarh Muslim University (AMU) was remarkable as a show of love and warmth that ex-students have for their alma mater. Naturally, they possess a keen interest in the Anjuman of their institution. The university had sent invitations to all its living former students to see for themselves the current state of the university and interact with students and teachers.

As in any old boys’ meet, some of them could not come. Some people may grumble that it was unnecessary to raise funds from former students. People should understand that the expenses for this meet cannot be met by government funding alone. We have to create our own funds through donations, and this had to happen. As far as the issue of registration fee of Rs 3,000 is concerned, it was made mandatory, assuring us that only serious individuals would participate in the summit. This meet was not meant for all and sundry and we were specifically seeking donors. For instance, if the Congress government wants to build a factory, it will not seek money from farmers or labourers but from capitalists. Likewise, when the university requires funds, it will approach those who are able to donate. If they are unwilling to even pay registration fee, how can we expect donations from them? The money coming from government or the nation cannot be compared with financial assistance given by old boys. However, when we ask for donations from the alumni, we should also clarify how we are spending the government grants. The National Education Policy dictates particular regulations, and there are areas where government assistance is not forthcoming. So we need alumni funding in areas where money is scarce. We should remain extremely careful while spending government money and not be extravagant. Some universities in Kerala are spending Rs one lakh per student annually, which is a big amount in a country like India. Such spending should be made at the right directions. We should first learn to utilise the grant properly.

People talk of Sir Syed Ahmed Khan’s dreams, but I think, as I have emphasised before, they are irrelevant today. His dreams were for his age only. Many things like scholars offering their own interpretations of Quran are today irrelevant. Strangely, no one is willing to visualise this dream of Sir Syed. He was very impressed with the British government. Today’s modern education system should not be connected to his days. The real and relevant issue today has to be tested against only one benchmark: is this education system benefiting Muslims or backward sections of the people in India’s nation building process?

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Source :
IIPM Editorial, 2008
An Initiative of IIPM, Malay Chaudhuri and
Arindam Chaudhuri (Renowned Management Guru and Economist).

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Wednesday, November 19, 2008

The winners of Rs 3,000 are...

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Better use of penalties

Prasoon is perfectly right that fines should be used for greater purpose instead with the purpose of getting popularity. The focus should be on delivering larger public good. His idea of diverting the collected funds to a social cause such as blindness is a very innovative idea. The problems such as these which involve huge social costs and economic costs should be taken care of. That ways a larger unfortunate section of our country, which is deprived of funds and are marred by poverty and basic amenities will be benefitted. Human rights violation of persons with physical disabilities is rampant. The issues that should be taken care include poverty, malnutrition, inaccessible health and education facilities, total absence of rehabilitation programmes, discrimination, and social insensitivity.

Sonal Bhatt

Via Mail

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Source :
IIPM Editorial, 2008
An Initiative of IIPM, Malay Chaudhuri and
Arindam Chaudhuri (Renowned Management Guru and Economist).

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Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Debt wish " Karz"

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On the first day of Karzzzz’s release less than 20 people started out to watch it with me and just about half of them walked out of the theatre at the end. One could simply blame the ‘zzz’ added to the title to have put people off to sleep, but then those 10 people who didn’t manage to stay till the end would swear obscenities unimaginable at me for letting Satish Kaushik off so easy! The movie is a caricature of the classic; from the moment Urmila Matondkar ludicrously poses and pouts in an attempt to act sexy and classy, one can guess that most laugh out loud moments in Karzzzz will be purely unintentional! Many would recall Rishi Kapoor from the original Subhash Ghai flick (which though a take-off from a Hollywood flick, was deemed a better version by all) for his charming and touching portrayal of Monty. Himesh Reshammiya doesn’t come close to bettering, or even matching Chintu. If Rishi’s angst-filled dialogues had clawed at the audience’s heart, Reshammiya’s act just makes us yawn in boredom, and other actors too just come out as tawdry imitations. The songs quickly follow each other, and the story becomes almost an interruption in this collection of Himesh Reshammiya’s music videos. Where the original had superhit songs like Om Shanti Om and Dard-e-dil, Karzzzz’s music is scarcely passable and even the lift off – Ek Hasina Thi –misses its haunting appeal.

The story, like the original, is about reincarnation; about Monty remembering his past life and then avenging the murder of his previous incarnation Ravi Verma (Dino Morea) at the hands of his wife Kamini (Urmila). If you find masala without meat palatable fare you might not regret sitting at this table. Otherwise it’s only good for catching up on some zzz...

Anu Gulmohar

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Source :
IIPM Editorial, 2008
An Initiative of IIPM, Malay Chaudhuri and
Arindam Chaudhuri (Renowned Management Guru and Economist).

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Sunday, November 16, 2008

Second Don: Pinnacle of cricketing genius

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Despite injuries, Sachin continues to be a threat for bowlers around the world

Zaheer Abbas

Cricketing legend

Let me start with the bottom line – Sachin Tendulkar is modern era’s equivalent of the iconic Don Bradman. That he took over the mantle of Test cricket’s highest run-getter from another legend, the West Indian Brian Lara, has nothing to do with that status. Tendulkar has already done enough, if not more, to be called the Don regardless of what he does from hereon. Every feat, every achievement, every record that he now achieves is a mere confirmation of his status. He has nothing to prove to anyone except to perhaps himself.

For the cricketing world at large, myself included, it has been a privilege to have breathed in the same era when Tendulkar plied his trade, to have seen him in flesh and to watch him execute his remarkable skills on the field. There is hardly a soul who would today think otherwise for his talent was potent enough to silence even the diehard naysayer years back.

I had my first glimpse of the genius at the National Stadium in Karachi when he visited Pakistan with the Indian team, led by K Srikkanth. He was all of 16 years at the time and his boyish visage and sheepish grin was confirmation enough that his birth certificate had not been tempered with, a malaise not uncommon in the subcontinent.

He batted at the fag end of the middle order and could score about 15-20 runs before Waqar Yunus shattered his stumps. It was not quite an auspicious start and I was a bit disappointed because my friends in India, and I have a lot of them, had all been going gaga over the chap and had alerted me in advance to have a closer look. Even though Tendulkar did not set the scene alight, he did spend about half-an-hour on the batting crease, which was enough for me to see that he was impeccable in terms of technique. He ended that tour with nothing earth-shattering, but still with a string of decent scores, including a couple of half-centuries. From then on, he has gone from strength to strength and his dominance of all kinds of bowling on all kinds of tracks and in all kinds of situations has been as obvious as it has been complete.

Looking back on what already is an illustrious career, Tendulkar’s life in the international arena can be divided in two clear phases. The first phase represents the time when he was a young man carrying the hopes of an entire nation on his slender shoulders.

There were not many leading performers in the side, which in any case was an under-performing unit. The way he handled that pressure, enormous enough for someone his age, was remarkable. It was only a matter of time before he got elevated to the position of the national captain. But his tenure lasted a pretty short time, which was surprising to all of us as much as it would have been for the man himself.

The post-captaincy period represents the second phase of his international career where he reconciled to the loss of his leadership role, stood behind Sourav Ganguly in his attempt to lift the side and make it deliver where it mattered. The success of Ganguly in converting a bunch of decent players into a nicely performing, cohesive unit owed much to the fact that Tendulkar rose above personal interests and played for the team, forming, alongside Ganguly and Rahul Dravid, the thinking trio that changed the manner in which the Indians approached cricket.

There is a case that can be seriously considered about a third phase in his career, covering the last few years during which he battled one injury or the other which, to my eyes, is a reminder that Tendulkar, after all, is a human being. Though injuries have not affected his approach to the game, they do have cut down his options in terms of shot selection. But despite such limitations, he continues to be the biggest threat for bowlers around the world; his wicket as prized and celebrated as it has ever been.

A humble, down-to-earth man – just as the great Don was – Sachin Tendulkar has given us all a glimpse of what greatness on and off the field is all about. It will be many, many, many years before the world will see another in this enviable mould … if at all, that is.

Nobody on earth has reached such height in the history of cricket as Sachin Tendulkar. He is not only a source of pride for the Indians but also for cricket lovers across the world. He is a source of inspiration for young cricketers, especially in countries like Pakistan and I wonder if anybody would be able to break his fantastic records. In countries like Pakistan and India, where sports have often been a low priority area, Sachin has proved that allocating huge budgets in the realm of sports was not the only factor that promotes sports.

I wish him all the best and feel proud that I know him since he was a young man. His lofty achievements will definitely give a boost to cricket in India and Pakistan and his remarkable strokes across the field will enable young cricketers to learn the art of batting with finesse.

For more articles, Click on IIPM Article.
Source :
IIPM Editorial, 2008
An Initiative of IIPM, Malay Chaudhuri and
Arindam Chaudhuri (Renowned Management Guru and Economist).

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Friday, November 14, 2008

We should remember it’s not just USA’s war.

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Combating terrorism

I duly respect the views of Maria Jose Aznar on global terrorism and advancing bilateral agreements between nations for a balanced development in the world. Terrorism has cast its shadow across the globe, and whether out of rejection of Western values, envy of American wealth and power, or objections to specific policies, terrorist attacks are likely to continue in the coming years. One doesn’t just have to understand the danger that terrorism is posing to the world, but efforts have to be drawn on a collective basis with the international community to defeat it. We should remember it’s not just USA’s war. Although there have been no repeat attacks on the US territory, yet the numerous examples of terrorist attacks can be seen in the Middle East, South and Southeast Asia, Africa, and Russia, as very small numbers of terrorists are sufficient to inflict great destruction. The cold, hard attacks again and again compel for the entire world's vigilance and concerted action.

Purushottam Das Gupta


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Source :
IIPM Editorial, 2008
An Initiative of IIPM, Malay Chaudhuri and
Arindam Chaudhuri (Renowned Management Guru and Economist).

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Thursday, November 13, 2008

“We young MPs are fine with babalog image”

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Jitin Prasada is Minister of State for Steel – and he is just 35. He also comes from a distinguished political family. In this interview with TSI’s Priyanka Rai, he covers wide ground, including his experiences as a first time MP

Why are young MPs so shy of the media? Why are you so seldom in the news?

I strongly disagree with what you are saying. As far as visibility is concerned, the views of young MPs have been extensively covered by all national and regional dailies. Speaking for myself, I would like to be seen on television only when there is an issue to be debated.

Or is it that you have been asked to keep a low profile and stay away from the media?

There’s nothing of the sort. I am my party’s youngest minister and also its spokesperson. The young MPs have been tasked with acquainting the people with the achievements of the party and the government.

You lost your seat during the delimitation exercise. What do you plan to do in the coming general elections?

Since I won’t be able to contest from that seat, I will be looking at other alternatives. And the party leadership will decide where I will contest from if I have to. It is entirely up to the party to decide. My seat has been reserved for SC.

What was your MP's fund spent on? How much work have you done for Shahjahanpur – your constituency?

Most of it was used to fund rural projects. Roads got priority because they are scarce in my area. Rural electrification, hand pump installations and drinking water schemes got the rest.

Were the funds adequate for these projects?

I am afraid not. In a constituency like mine, each one has a demands charter! They expect too much. So while some MPs get away with building a hospital, a school and such like, those coming from traditional backgrounds like me, with extensive family associations, are under pressure to cater to numerous individual demands. And the funds are just too little to meet them. During my tenure, I have facilitated the setting up of a private sector thermal power plant in my constituency. I also helped various NGOs and foundations to set up schools in 15 villages.

Why do the senior MPs call the young entrants the Baba Brigade?

They can call us what they like, we are fine with that so long as nobody’s feelings are hurt. Mine are not! We are called the Baba Brigade because there is a misconception that we are favoured on account of our lineage, and are handed it all on a platter so to speak! It certainly helps if someone in your family have been in politics. That gives you a head start. But to perform in a sustained manner, you need to work your way up. And when great work has been done by your forbears, one gets to be judged far more closely. One is under great pressure to perform.

Do you subscribe to Rahul Gandhi’s policy of avoiding criticism of the Opposition unless there is a major provocation?

Mr Gandhi is not one of those stereotype politicians who will mechanically adhere to the party’s agenda even where there is need for overhauling. He is also one who believes the national interest comes before all others. Playing petty politics is not his way.

Will this Mr Nice image help the party?

This is not about helping the party. It’s just that this man is clear that there can be no compromise on anything that concerns the national interest. And anyone who subscribes to this view is instantly welcome.

Young MPs are not generally known to be aggressive in Parliament or, for that matter, in any other forum. Why is that?

Well all you need to do is put your point across. Where is the need to be aggressive? But if some particular issue warrants an aggressive response, we will be aggressive.

For more articles, Click on IIPM Article.
Source :
IIPM Editorial, 2008
An Initiative of IIPM, Malay Chaudhuri and
Arindam Chaudhuri (Renowned Management Guru and Economist).

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Monday, November 10, 2008

Arty articulations

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Eighteen women set out to achieve what no one in their country has ever attempted...

We are all aware of the works of Leonardo Da Vinci, Michelangelo and Rafael Gurvich, some of the many great artists of the western world. But how many of us have heard of Kamaluddin Behzad, an Afghani artist of the same time, who established his school of arts in the 16th century in Afghanistan? That was the time when the western techniques of art influenced the Afghan art world – a world completely ruled by men. Women in Afghanistan were suppressed and confined to the four walls of their homes; education was a far sight for them let aside being trained in the field of arts. This was the scenario in Afghanistan until the end of the Taliban regime. In 2004, the Centre for Contemporary Arts in Afghanistan (CCAA) was established in a country where freedom was a distant shore, to encourage young women artists to come out of their shell and showcase their talent. The institute is dedicated to educating young women aged 16 to 28 to upgrade their practical and theoretical knowledge of contemporary art. The first of its kind, an independent art exhibition by young Afghan women was brought to India by the Indian Council for Cultural Relations (ICCR), and was inaugurated by Mrs. Gursharan Kaur on 8th of September at IGNCA. The exhibition was held till 14th September in New Delhi and between 19-27 September in Kolkata before moving on to Italy, Germany and Spain.

At the launch, Mrs. Kaur talked about women empowerment and education. She said, “I strongly feel that women of all ages have a critical role to play in rebuilding and rejuvenating the social structure in Afghanistan, as well as in articulating their opposition to gender discrimination. It is important that we support and encourage every possible attempt by the women of Afghanistan to uplift themselves and express themselves more openly, so that they can be active players in different walks of life. The history of global development has shown that a society and a nation can develop in a multi-faceted manner, only if its women are adequately empowered and well educated.”

Geety Natique, one of the members of CCAA says, “We show the realities of Afghan women in our paintings, and focus on the deprived and oppressed women. For me, art is a symbol of freedom, a medium to express my emotions… art is my life.” On the future of art in Afghanistan, she added, “It is very difficult to comment on it right now, because only 2% of the total population is aware of art, but insha-allah with such exhibitions, more and more people will acknowledge it”.

CCAA is the first centre to offer such an education, and considering that only 2% of the population is familiar with art, it must have been an uphill journey for the founders. Rahraw Omarzad, director of CCAA, replies in affirmative. “Initially, we had to tell the parents that we are holding drawing & painting classes, they didn’t know that we teach contemporary art. But later when they saw that their daughters had moved to contemporary art and when we held the exhibition, they encouraged them.”

This exhibition is an introduction for the ladies into the art world, and is surely one big step for women’s liberation in Afghanistan.

Aakriti Bhardwa

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Source :
IIPM Editorial, 2008
An Initiative of IIPM, Malay Chaudhuri and
Arindam Chaudhuri (Renowned Management Guru and Economist).

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