Friday, May 29, 2009

But this is where the genius behind Anand comes to the fore, for despite growing tentacles,

The Most Revolutionary Concept In Education PLANMAN CHE CENTRE FOR HIGHER EDUCATION, Supported by IIPM India’s Leading B-School

There is no denying the fact that the Group has leaped well ahead under Anand and its diversifications have surely boosted both top and bottomlines for the company. But this is where the genius behind Anand comes to the fore, for despite growing tentacles, the group''s eyes have always focussed hard on its core automobile business, that is today taking the company to the top position in the MUV segment. Bolero has been the star product for the last three years in the SUV/UV/MPV segment for the company, and is today the only vehicle to sell more than 50,000 units for the two consecutive years in its category! “The Mahindra Bolero continues to create new records and scale greater heights as India’s No.1 SUV. In fact, the Bolero is amongst the top selling brands in the passenger vehicle segment, excluding small cars,” claims Vivek Nayer, Senior VP – Marketing, Auto Sector, M&M.

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Why ‘divorce’fication hurts...

The Most Revolutionary Concept In Education PLANMAN CHE CENTRE FOR HIGHER EDUCATION, Supported by IIPM India’s Leading B-School

Mahindra & Mahindra is a case of success in diversification; all others have stumbled at some point

Let’s start with a quick test – from the following three statements, choose the one that's false: Statement #1 – Ratan Tata, K.M. Birla, Anand Mahindra, Mukesh Ambani and Anil Ambani are all men [now, was that a tough one?!]. Statement #2 – Ratan Tata and Anand Mahindra completed their MBAs from Harvard, Anil Ambani from Cornell, while Mukesh was simply a Stanford dropout [now that's an educationally inclined, degree laden lot!]. Statement #3 – All three lead diversified entities and are bearing the brunt of having their tentacles stuck in many cracks on the wall of capitalism. Alright, so going back to our IQ test, which one is false? Well, the first statement is indeed true [again, no controversies here, please], and the second one is not false. So that leaves us to test whether the third one is actually false; well, almost! Confused? By the time you get to the last paragraph, you would have completely understood why our confusion stands justified.

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IIPM Editorial, 2008
An Initiative of IIPM, Malay Chaudhuri and
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Tuesday, May 26, 2009

What can be a better example than George Bush’s victories in presidential election?

The Most Revolutionary Concept In Education PLANMAN CHE CENTRE FOR HIGHER EDUCATION, Supported by IIPM India’s Leading B-School

The sad part of this saga is that it would be unfair to blame only the dictators of impoverished countries of the third world for allowing such dictators to continue with such malpractices. Such irregularities are also witnessed in countries which otherwise take pride in having advanced democracies. What can be a better example than George Bush’s victories in presidential election? Perhaps no other election was so openly fraudulent as that of George Bush’s in the year 2000 which not only got censured globally but also created resentment and dissatisfaction among democracy advocates.. It was the first US election which showed that Al Gore failed to win in spite of gaining more popular votes than Bush. The result was actually in favour of Gore and Florida was the key state in deciding the winner, but then the world was shocked when Bush was declared the victor! However, his win was not possible without the alleged irregularities in Florida. “Butterfly ballot” in the Palm Beach county was designed strangely to confuse the voters. As a result, their votes had gone for a third party candidate which would have gone for Gore. Duval county had also wasted over 27,000 votes because of the bewildering design of ballot papers.

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IIPM Editorial, 2008
An Initiative of IIPM, Malay Chaudhuri and
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Monday, May 25, 2009

C‘z’eck and mate!

The Most Revolutionary Concept In Education PLANMAN CHE CENTRE FOR HIGHER EDUCATION, Supported by IIPM India’s Leading B-School

Klaus must follow a wait and watch strategy before taking any step

The Czech Republican political scene has been quite erratic since the 1989 revolution. So it came as no surprise when on March 24, Prime Minister Mirek Topolánek's government lost the no-confidence vote in the Parliament. Losing the fifth no-confidence vote for the Civic Democratic Party (ODS), Christian Democratic Party (KDU-CSL) and Green Party (SZ) coalition (since it took power in January 2007), has also jeopardised the country's international reputation and worsened the pressing domestic issues. The government had to go through the whole exercise after one of its member shifted loyalties from ODS to the leftist Social Democratic party. The government lost the vote of confidence by just one vote.

To keep the tension in the country at bay, both the left wing and the right wing parties have now agreed to hold early elections. “There was an agreement on holding early election, but not on a date yet,” says Jana Bartosova, Spokeswoman, ODS. Czech Republic is currently sitting on the post of EU presidency and the political trouble brewing within the country would have an implication on how it handles its responsibilities in EU. And that too when the Czech presidency of EU has always been questioned from day one. Its stand to not ratify the Lisbon Treaty has been looked down by many EU members.

In such a scenario, it leaves President Vaclav Klaus with only one solution – to find the new government as soon as possible. But while Klaus looks for a quick fix solution, the problem is that none of the big parties are strong enough to form government. For now, Klaus must allow the situation to carry on as it is and take some step only after the EU presidency term ends in June this year.

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An Initiative of IIPM, Malay Chaudhuri and Arindam Chaudhuri (Renowned Management Guru and Economist).

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Saturday, May 23, 2009

If EU stands for Eager beaver Utopians...

The Most Revolutionary Concept In Education PLANMAN CHE CENTRE FOR HIGHER EDUCATION, Supported by IIPM India’s Leading B-School

EU must avoid new members from collapsing and not give US any chance to intervene

Europe’s leaders seem to be mostly preoccupied with finding national answers to the global economic crisis. The leaders of “Old Europe” have been reluctant to open up their coffers for the countries of “New Europe.” If this attitude prevails, there is a grave risk that the European Project will become paralysed.

The European Union’s new members have been hit much harder by the crisis than the old member states; they are also much less prepared to confront the situation psychologically and socially. Many were gravely disappointed when European leaders rejected pleas to establish a special support program for them. German Chancellor Angela Merkel was right to point out that each country should be dealt with according to its situation. But she should have voiced clearer and more emphatic support for the new members.

Emotions and expectations ran high when the new democracies from the former East Bloc joined the EU only five years ago. Until the crisis hit last year, the enlargement had proven to be a profitable business for Old Europe: high growth rates in most of New Europe injected energy into Old Europe’s sagging economies, much to the surprise of those who had predicted that enlargement would become an economic millstone around the neck of the established member states.

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An Initiative of IIPM, Malay Chaudhuri and
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Friday, May 22, 2009

Golden words...

The Most Revolutionary Concept In Education PLANMAN CHE CENTRE FOR HIGHER EDUCATION, Supported by IIPM India’s Leading B-School

... are not repeated, but they can be cherished. Some interesting quotes by UPA’s ministers, which we don’t think they would want to be caught dead repeating!

Manmohan Singh:

“The public sector banks have been instructed to ensure that they act counter cyclically in this situation to counter the general erosion of confidence...” (November 2008, in a speech to the Indian industry)

Shivraj Patil:

“We had bits of information, but we didn’t know when and where it would happen… we are taking all steps to stop this terror violence...” (August 2007, post the twin bomb blasts in Hyderabad)

Kamal Nath:

“The huge growth in FDI in India despite global economic slowdown shows how sound and resilient our economy is.” (October 2008)

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An Initiative of IIPM, Malay Chaudhuri and
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Thursday, May 14, 2009

Believe it or not, the world will witness the resurgence of a new era of racism than the end of it...

The Most Revolutionary Concept In Education PLANMAN CHE CENTRE FOR HIGHER EDUCATION, Supported by IIPM India’s Leading B-School

Can Obama ‘barrack’ racism?

President elect Barack Obama himself was skeptical about it. His confession at a civil rights group’s convention stating – ‘our work is not over, mere electing me President doesn’t mean our work is over, we got more work to do’ to the NAACP bears testimony to it. In fact, the ugly aspect of racism was blatantly evident in the presidential election result itself. The voting pattern between two presidential candidates- John McCain and Barack Obama was biased and discriminatory. A closer scrutiny at the voting pattern reveals that McCain won greater support in white dominated counties of states like Arkansas, Oklahoma, Tennessee and Northern Texas. For example, about 80% of the voters in Arkansas are Whites and 70% of them unanimously voted for McCain. The same was witnessed in case of Obama who equally gained greater support from Blacks and minority groups. Research reveals that 67% of Latinos and 62% of Asian voters voted in favour of Obama. It wasn’t a surprise that 88-95% of Black voters who comprise 13% of total the US population unhesitatingly supported him. Well, even the most die hard optimist who would love to find a silver lining in it would accept rather grudgingly that if this does not exemplify racism then nothing else perhaps does. However, moving further, what was a little more horrifying than this was the fissures among the Democrat leaders. Reports state that when Obama was to take oath, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid was busy convincing Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich and other Democract leaders to replace Obama’s vacancy at the Senate by any of the two White women (Veteran Affairs Chief Tammy Duckworth or Illinois Attorney General Lisa Madigan) and rejecting the three potential Black candidates namely Jesse Jackson, Jr. Danny Davis and Emil Jones.

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But that was in 2001, when the total value of the two entities was worth $260 billion.

The Most Revolutionary Concept In Education PLANMAN CHE CENTRE FOR HIGHER EDUCATION, Supported by IIPM India’s Leading B-School

The next case is that of the second largest merger in the world – the $167.4 billion merger between AOL and Time Warner in 2001, making the combine, the largest media & entertainment conglomerate in the world. But that was in 2001, when the total value of the two entities was worth $260 billion. Today, the Mcap stands at just a repulsive $29.5 billion – an appalling fall of $88.7%! In terms of financials, the new company has recorded $132.6 billion in aggregate ‘net losses’ since the merger happened. Less than a year after the merger, the Internet bubble burst & the two chief architects Gerald Levin (the then CEO, Time Warner) & Steve Case (founder, AOL) conceded that their forecasts had gone way off-mark.

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IIPM Editorial, 2008
An Initiative of IIPM, Malay Chaudhuri and
Arindam Chaudhuri (Renowned Management Guru and Economist).

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Friday, May 8, 2009

For records, that is just a negligible 0.01% of the total count of manpower at Berkshire Hathaway!

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But for argument’s sake, let’s move to the realm of logic. At present, Ajit heads Berkshire’s Reinsurance business, which is only the ‘third-largest’ amongst Buffett’s insurance empire – indeed a small fragment of the vast Berkshire empire. And if you considered that insurance segment contributes to more than 50% of Berkshire’s annual revenues in 2008, we would rather have Tony Nicely, CEO of GEICO (Berkshire’s largest insurance player) or Joseph Brandon’s successor at General Re (the second largest in the segment) as the more ‘logical’ choice. As far as leadership and manpower count is concerned, Ajit only has 31 people in his company. For records, that is just a negligible 0.01% of the total count of manpower at Berkshire Hathaway! Can a person with that little ‘leadership’ experience head a group with more than 300,000 people?

Alright, if we play to the grandstand – as Warren has mastered over the years – and simply choose Ajit because “Warren has mentioned him in his letter,” then allow the blundering me to inform you, Warren does that ever year. Not counting this time, Buffett had flattered Ajit 5 times in the past 13 years (in his annual letters to his shareholders)! And if I go by the same logic, then the world would have had 21 prospective Berkshire CEOs since 1995. Wonder how? Besides praising Jain 5 times, the grandiose Buffett has praised Tony Nicely (CEO, GEICO) 9 times, Kevin Clayton (CEO, Clayton Homes) 2 times, Richard Santulli (CEO, NetJets) 3 times, Joseph Brandon (Former CEO, General Re) 2 times! If efficient succession planning policy was to be decided on the count, all is lost.

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IIPM Editorial, 2008
An Initiative of IIPM, Malay Chaudhuri and
Arindam Chaudhuri (Renowned Management Guru and Economist).

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Tuesday, May 5, 2009

There are two reasons for such a forecast;

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mobilising forces…

Given these difficult times, in this race to regain its lost respect, Russia has to however mobilise a lot of resources; a luxury it cannot afford at this time. Currently Russia relies heavily on its energy business, which is now suffering because of price declines. The returns, which Putin expected out of Russia’s massive reserves of oil, may fall short in acting as a buffer in this downturn. Additionally, on the back of a surge in the energy demand, Russia has borrowed huge money form international banks, which now may not be in a situation to continue lending.

Washington-based Council on Foreign Relations’ Sebastaian Mallaby commented to B&E, “The IMF economic forecast for Russia has fallen faster than it has for any other major country between November last year and January this year. There are two reasons for such a forecast; first is the fall in the energy prices, since Russia is a major energy supplier and secondly, the Russian bank borrowings from international banks, which now after the recent cash crunch, want their money back.” With these possibilities in mind, some factions of analysts have begun questioning Putin’s over-dependence on oil. If Putin wants to really show off Russia’s eminence, modulating oil supply and flying Tupolev 95MS Bombers over Northern Europe will not suffice; a diversified revenue structure will be important to sharpen Putin’s might, economically and strategically for Russia too.

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An Initiative of IIPM, Malay Chaudhuri and
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The first half of may prove out to be challenging from the overall growth point of view,

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B&E: There was news that you are planning comex operations in Singapore through your joint venture company Singapore Mercantile Exchange. What is the present status of that plan?
JS: SMX is not a JV company but a new venture of FT, which will operate under the monetary Authority of Singapore. Commodities will definitely form a critical part of the asset classes along with other asset to be traded like energy (including electricity), ATF, currency, etc.

B&E: It was really unfortunate that during last year, you had to put aside your IPO plans, keeping in mind the existent poor market conditions. Any clue as to when the plan has been deferred until? JS: As of now, we have no such plan.

B&E: Do you think global markets will start reviving by 2009? JS: The aggressiveness with which the issue of global financial slowdown is being addressed across the important economies, I feel that the global economy will begin its recovery before the end of 2009. With that happening, the Indian economy being resilient enough would take off on a long journey of high growth. The first half of may prove out to be challenging from the overall growth point of view, but during the second half, we may see some recovery happening, albeit small. I am sure that that would do a world of good to improve the negative market sentiments, that is making the situation worse than it really is!

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IIPM Editorial, 2008
An Initiative of IIPM, Malay Chaudhuri and
Arindam Chaudhuri (Renowned Management Guru and Economist).

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Companies need to be proactive with disclosure of pledging

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Pledges we fear...

In a bull run, excesses are not uncommon. But some of them do go over the top. The story of Tata’s excesses with Corus and JLR is well known. Habil Fakhruddin Khorakiwala, Promoter & Chairman, Wockhardt, is a stark example at the moment, who has pledged 43.11% stake of the company with IL&FS and IDBI. As slowdown looms and asset prices fall, the company is finding it difficult to service the debt (debt-equity ratio is currently 2.28:1) and they have kept their headquarters as a collateral and are also looking at selling some non-core assets. Wockhardt made some audacious acquisitions in the last two years and is now paying the price.

The more serious issue, again when we think about Satyam, is that the funds may be going elsewhere. “If the company is ploughing back the funds that promoters have borrowed by keeping shares as collateral in the company itself, then there’s nothing to worry...,” explains Ashok Jainani, VP (Research & Market Strategy), Khandwala Securities Ltd. Pledging as a practice is being exercised since ages to raise money.

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An Initiative of IIPM, Malay Chaudhuri and
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Monday, May 4, 2009

Global Warming rears its ugly head in Australia, leaving a trail of death and destruction!


It’s raining ashes in Oz...

ommonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization (CSIRO) stating that the estimated 65% of fire-danger in the year 2020 may go up to 300% by 2050 under cruel warming scenarios. Studies prove that average temperatures have already risen by 0.9 degrees Celsius since 1950, with 2005 as the hottest year on record. Also, rainfall is predicted to lessen even further by up to 30 percent if greenhouse gas emissions are high. Dr. R. K. Pachauri, Chairman of IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) informs, “The earth has started to give signals of imminent effects of global warming. It’s now that we take precautions and act on decreasing the amount of carbon emissions. Otherwise, the world will keep experiencing natural disasters.”

As the death toll is disputed upon discovery of fused corpses by forensic scientists, relief measures like sporadic tent settlements are being set up in Whittlesea by the relief agencies as temporary shelter for the dispossessed victims. Expressing his concern for the disaster, an Australian Green Party leader, Bob Brown, said, “The fires are a sobering reminder of the need for this nation and the whole world to act and put at a priority the need to tackle climate change.” (As told to Sky News). This upheaval is just a trailer for the entire race to reckon with the fury of Mother Nature; that it’s enough of playing possum towards the universal concern of Global Warming.

Abhay Sachar

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Friday, May 1, 2009

Paul is an outsider (a non-TCS), and sometimes it is safer to hire a top executive from outside


... but then, so do outsiders!

This is a sustaining transition. In other words, TCS is in a relatively good shape in an ugly market and this typically means that the management wants a sustaining manager, who will continue with what has been a successful strategy and not a disruptive change agent. This is what they will most likely get with Chandrasekaran. With him, TCS appears to showcase both strong succession planning and good grooming for the intended new top chief executive.

The second contender for the top job is Vivek Paul. Undoubtedly, Paul has a great personality and has lots of experiences also. Paul is more competent, but less likely to take the job actually. I think he is a very strong player, but probably too wealthy and smart to take this position. Government interference will be high and the effort, even without that, would be very difficult. He is smart enough to know that the personal risks of this job probably significantly exceed the personal benefits. Paul is an outsider (a non-TCS), and sometimes it is safer to hire a top executive from outside, for an outsider is more likely to take actions that need to be taken that an insider would avoid. He also avoids the taint that an insider would carry.

For more articles, Click on IIPM Article.
Source :
IIPM Editorial, 2008
An Initiative of IIPM, Malay Chaudhuri and
Arindam Chaudhuri (Renowned Management Guru and Economist).

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It was Ratan Tata who had introduced a policy that defined 70 years as the final cut off age even for ‘non-executive’ positions;


In 2002, when he turned 65, Ratan Tata stuck to the ‘group’ policy and retired as executive Chairman of the group. But then, no one in the group or anywhere else had any doubt whatsoever as to who called the shots in the group, no matter who the ‘executive head’. If you think Ratan Tata has actually relinquished control after 2002 when he retired as executive chairman, you will believe that it is Manmohan Singh, and not Sonia Gandhi who calls the shots in UPA. This arrangement worked well for while and then the clock started ticking again. It was Ratan Tata who had introduced a policy that defined 70 years as the final cut off age even for ‘non-executive’ positions; the same policy that was invoked to oust big wigs like Russi Mody and Darbari Seth. Most leaders tend to think that they are indispensable and Ratan Tata is no different. The dilemma was how to transform his ‘indispensability’ into official group policy. Out went the Sonia model and in came the Zia ul Haq cum Mussharraff model of governance. They changed the constitution to extend their rule and Ratan Tata changed the official group policy to extend his tenure. Back in 2005, Tata Sons announced that non-executive chairmen can now function up to age 75. Ratan Tata was 68 then and earned a fresh mandate to lead the group till 2012 at least.

For more articles, Click on IIPM Article.
Source :
IIPM Editorial, 2008
An Initiative of IIPM, Malay Chaudhuri and
Arindam Chaudhuri (Renowned Management Guru and Economist).

Read these article :-
B-schooled in India, Placed Abroad (Print Version)
IIPM in Financial times (Print Version)
IIPM makes business education truly global (Print Version)
The Indian Institute of Planning and Management (IIPM)
IIPM Campus

IIPM Ranked No. 1 B-School In Global Exposre - Zee...

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1500-plus IIPM students placed across the country with 44 bagging international offers
IIPM set to beat economic slowdown
IIPM - Admission Procedure
IIPM awards four Bengali novelists
The Hindu : Education Plus : Honour for IIPM
IIPM ranked No.1 B-School in India, Management News - By ...
IIPM Ranked No1 B-School in India
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The Hindu Business Line : IIPM placements hit a high of over 2000 jobs
Deccan Herald - IIPM ranked as top B-School in India
India eNews - IIPM Ranked No1 B-School in India
IIPM Delhi - Indian Institute of Planning and Management New Delhi ... : IIPM ranked ahead of IIMsIIPM makes business education truly global-Education-The Times of ...