Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Dial ‘C’..., where the effects show up after a certain age.

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...for ‘Cell’...a cancer cell!

the banal smoking As far as the accounts of history go, I don’t think that man has ever been more conscious about his health than he is today. This is to the extent, that if breathing wasn’t ‘it’, by now books like ‘10 ways to keep away from breathing on highways’ would have hit the bookstores.

So, for a change, there is another habit (not reflexive like breathing) that has hooked human beings of all shapes, sizes and attitudes – much more dangerous and addictive than the banal smoking – talking on mobile phones. Well, not that we weren’t aware that it could be harmful for the ears etc., but that it can cause malignant tumours in the brain in much lesser time than you could have imagined is but horrifying.

The results of a 14-month investigation by the Canberra-based top Neurosurgeon, Vini G Khurana, has got the world to rethink its way of living. In his report, he gives enough evidences to warn the governments, telecom industry and the users about the deadly effects of simultaneous electro-magnetic exposure caused by the radiations released from radio and TV towers, cordless phone base stations, wireless etc. The report clearly establishes link between long-term usage of mobile phones and some malignant forms of tumours in the brain. Unfortunately, this ‘long-term’ isn’t that long! Ten years is the time-period within which the cancerous growth may show up, making it an even bigger threat than smoking and asbestos, where the effects show up after a certain age.

Professor Challis, an experts on mobile phone radiation has enlightened the media by revealing that about 40% of the radio energy of the mobile or wireless phone is absorbed into one’s head. The exposure caused by mobile phone is 200 times more than sending an email using wi-fi technology. “The risk is even larger in children than in adults since their brain is still growing and the skull is thin. In fact, anybody using mobile phone for two hours everyday for a year is quite prone to catching an ailment in the next five to seven years,” tells Dr. Pankaj Kumar Jha, a practicing Neurosurgeon.

Now that’s alarming! Today there are some three billion users of mobile phones across the world including an increasing number of young children as well. While ten years back the number was far less, it could be a reason why the researches are not being able to gather enough evidences. But then, if one notices, the major advancements in learning about what causes cancer has always taken a longer time, be it the case of smoking, Nagasaki-Hiroshima bombing effects, sunlight causing skin cancer or asbestos. The research by the several accolades winner Mr. Khurana and several others in UK has sent shivers down the spine of telecom associations and the government of India as well, which would soon set out policies to limit public exposure to radio waves from base stations and mobile handsets. While not setting up base stations near hospitals, schools or residential areas is in the hands of the authorities, it is time that individuals take charge of their own lives too.

Though variety adds spice to life, there is always a hitch even to the best of things. The time has come when making choices to sustain not just life but healthy happy lives is crucial. For all you know, the virtual-mobility-revolution being celebrated by mankind could actually be the reason for its extinction.

Cut the risk

l Avoid mobile phones for children until senior school.
l Use a landline whenever possible and laptops not to be used on the lap!
l Use the speaker and keep the mobile 20 cms away from the head while talking.
l ‘Texting’ better than calling.
l Cover the wire of the hands-free with a cover of ferrite beads.

For more articles, Click on IIPM Article.

Source : IIPM Editorial, 2008

An Initiative of IIPM, Malay Chaudhuri and Arindam Chaudhuri (Renowned Management Guru and Economist).

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